Thursday, July 21, 2011

Last Day in Edinburgh!

The sun finally came out today, and as my last day in Edinburgh I wanted to make the most of it, so I headed back over to Holyrood Park and hiked up Arthur's Seat to spend some time basking in the sunshine! I forgot how I am sometimes scared of heights until I was almost to the top and took the wrong path and ended up scaling up rocks on the side of a cliff, I would have taken a picture, but I was too busy scurrying to the top where it was less steep! 

Then I went back to town to run some errands for myself and Callie and check my emails at a Starbucks, before heading back to Callie's campus at Queen Margarets to meet back up with her, which is where I am now, the first time on an actuall computer in about a week! We are both very tired now, we have been wearing ourselves out the last couple of days, so we are going to grab a quick bite to eat and go to bed early tonight.

I am getting up very early and heading off to Bath, England in the morning so I am off now for a quick early dinner and to bed!

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